Well usually it´s "oh happy day", but the title above makes much more sense concerning what happend yesterday in Kiel.
It was probably the most important match of the indoor season, as our opponents, whose name I have forgotten, is our biggest rivals concerning promotion.
There had been some issues concering who was going to play today. Originally I was to play on Sunday, and not Saturday, as that would mean I would be ineligible for the rest of the season for the 2nd team.
But the one who was going to play instead of me, Lasse, was injuried, and said some days ago that he could not play. Søren, one of my brothers, is also injuried, and the coach wouldn´t gamble with his health.
To sum up, if our opponents had their original line up, with no replacing of their singles in order to "cheat" with their lineup, then I was going to play 4th single, while Esben was no. 3, Mathias no. 2, and our new player, Milos, no. 1.
If they did "cheat", Søren was meant to go in as no. 1 and play 1 point, and then scratch, in order to try and win the 3 other singles. Then I was going to play doubles or not play at all.
They did lineup regularly, which meant I was going to play.
I don´t know if it was the whole mess about the lineup and stuff, which made me nervus or at least made me feel that there was a lot of pressure on me. I had already been told, that the 4th single was good, and probably better than no. 3, so it was not my match we had to rely on.
Anyway I started really well, serving extremely well, and held serve without dropping a point the 2 first service games.
Then it all started to go wrong. I did not return well, and found it very hard to read his serve, which caused me so much trouble.
I got broken, and suddenly I had lost the set 6-3, evn though I got off to a good start.
In the second I was frustrated, and things just didn´t go my way. I had 9 breakpoints to get back into the match. Some of them he was lucky, some of them I wasn´t sharp enough. I lost the second set 6-3 as well.
It was pretty much the same story in the double with Esben. We started well, but then we just couldn´t when we had to.

It was a weird feeling, winning the team match 4-2, but haven´t been able to contribute to it at all, by loosing both matches. I felt bad, and even though I was told by everyone that they knew I was much better than today, it was just a big big lack of confidence.
As said we won 4-2. Milos played extremely well in his single, he´s going to be very important for us. Besides that he´s such a nice guy. He´s swedish, so we can speak danish to him, and he can speak swedish to us, and we can understand each other most of the time. Else English is the universal language in the squad now.
The most important thing was that we won the match, but still, I feel like I kind of let the team down, even though I know I shouldn´t feel that way.
Next weekend is competitive-free, and in two weeks, 2 individual tournaments are coming up, which is going to be nice for a change.